Oregano-Wild (Origanum vulgare)


We're here so you can live life, enjoy, breathe easy.


We work to fight disease, further research, and improve your quality of life with natural and safe products.


We like to keep it real. Your health comes first. No weird chemicals and no cringy marketing tactics. Just holistic goodness with proven results.



Honest ingredients, solutions, and research. Every time.


We want life to be long, healthy, and enjoyable. We want quality living and our products are made to get you there.


We have a history of innovation, lasting solutions, and a commitment to being the best.


Michael Parish, President of Theranaturals, grew up in a home of scientists and has always had a passion for biology and a love for all things natural. His passion for the sciences was wetted even more while working with his father, Dr. W. Wesley Parish, a  brilliant organic, bio, and medicinal Ph.D. chemist. Dr. Parish pioneered I3C research for the papilloma virus and developed manufacturing practices for the same. He was the first to produce stable I3C commercially in the USA. In 1995, Dr. Parish founded Theranaturals to offer I3C and a small selection of potent nutraceuticals to the general public. He coined the term “Dietary Indoles” and supported clinical studies for these compounds. Dr. Parish also helped pioneer glutathione research and development for Cystic Fibrosis which has opened the gates for extensive research into the vast applications of glutathione. In 2007, Michael took over his father’s company and continues to follow his father’s legacy  by offering scientifically-backed solutions with all-natural ingredients. To us at Theranaturals, your health and quality of life are our top priorities. Our commitment to innovation, wellness, and quality proves it. From respiratory wellness to hormone support and full body health, we’re working to advance nutritional support for you.


Theranaturals was incorporated in 1995 with a mission to research, develop, and provide safe, leading-edge nutritional support supplements to its valued customers. Over the past decades, Theranaturals has remained true to its mission, offering a selection of unique and clinically superior products enjoyed by thousands today.

Theranaturals is considered a leader in the research and advancement of nutritional support for a variety of areas to include: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Breast Cancer, Cervical Dysplasia, hormone balance, immune support, Fibromyalgia, PMS, and chronic pain. Theranaturals is currently researching weight loss and weight management and its relationship to dark chocolate. We are also looking at shingles, genital herpes, and various lymphomas. We are excited to be offering new product lines in the next years and are confident you will like them.


When we were perfecting the production methods for I3C we accidentally made skatole. The Greek root skato means dung and we laughed and joked about the foul smelling substance we had just produced. But when we discovered that the US military actually uses skatole as a non-lethal malodorant, we plugged our noses and laughed even harder. Oh, it’s effective! Trust us on this one. And as far as we’re concerned, the military can keep it. 

Years ago, we were working on a big melatonin project and had been wearing half-face masks and safety glasses during the processing. It wasn’t long before everyone was asleep. Apparently, the fine air-born powder can absorb through the eyes – who knew? Anyways, we all had a good afternoon nap.

We were milling and extracting cocoa shell for a special weight loss project. It smelled so good that people thought we were a chocolate factory. Best project ever! 


In Theranaturals we offer everything from natural supplements to essential oils and healthier breakfast options (hi Kefir!) we’ve got your health covered.


Searching through medical journals can be daunting. We are research experts. Let us get you the information you need when you need it. Give us a call to see how we can help you

Medical Literature Research
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